The puppy feet pumpkin cookies are a great addition to the homemade treats. These delicious homemade peanut butter and pumpkin dog treats are made with all-natural ingredients with no preservatives and thus are no match for store-bought packaged dog food. The whole wheat flour cookies are packed with healthy nutrients like fiber, protein, and antioxidants for your puppies. It is made of flour/oats, eggs, pumpkin puree, banana, carrot, apple, peanut butter, and chicken broth. Your dogs will love these cookies as these blends taste good and provide nutrition simultaneously.
Dog Treats
Puppy Feet Pumpkin Cookies (Pack of 4)
- These delicious homemade peanut butter and pumpkin dog treats are made with all-natural ingredients with no preservatives and thus are no match for store-bought packaged dog food.
- It is made of flour/oats, eggs, pumpkin puree, banana, carrot, apple, peanut butter, and chicken broth.
- The whole wheat flour cookies are packed with healthy nutrients like fiber, protein, and antioxidants for your puppies.
- Size: Each treat is 2.25’’ * 2”
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